Authentic Turkish Kitchen

The Istanbul Kitchen

Digital Marketing-Branding

The Istanbul Kitchen

The Istanbul Kitchen has been welcoming customers with the scent of authentic Turkish flavours and a warm ambience in the very heart of Cheltenham, since 2021.

Our client has partnered with us to expand its digital marketing strategy to increase its online visibility. Another reason why we started working together was to grow recognition around the neighbourhood.

At Sonat Co., our mission is to provide unique, successful, and client-oriented digital marketing solutions that bring significant value to the brand “The Istanbul Kitchen” whilst improving its online presence and generating sales. We used their goals to guide our marketing strategy and have been working with them since then.

INDUSTRY Fine Dining Turkish Restaurant LOCATION Cheltenham, UK Involvement

Digital Marketing
Photography & Videography
Website Design
Front-End & Back-End Development
Web Management
Web Security & Hosting

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